Create LIVE notification system like Facebook with PHP Script


In order to create a notification system that is used as a popup yellow notification highlighter in Facebook, the following approach can be taken. Let me introduce some snippets of the code in PHP/MySQL/JavaScript/HTML to show the concepts.

It can be applied anywhere else, also on other platforms. The complete solution can be broken into four components:

  • Database table to store notifications logged in user-wise
  • The server-side script which manages notification
  • Front end JavaScript code to display notifications
  • Administrative screen to push notifications to logged-in users

Step 1 :  Create database table to store notifications logged in user-wise

Let us create a MySQL table [notifications] to store notifications on the server-side.

id-Long Integer - PK (Primary Key, Auto Incremented)
//Unique Identification For The Notification
creation_date_time - varchar(30)
//Store date time stamp as text when notifications are created by the administrator
view_date_time - varchar(30)
//Store date time as text when it is viewed by logged in user
user_id- Long Integer
//Unique Identification (FK) from the [user] table for whom notification has been created
notification_text - varchar(255)
//Text notification in HTML format so that images can also be displayed
is_viewed- varchar(3)
//"YES/NO" to indicate whether a notification has been viewed or not by logged in user

Following is the MySQL command to create the table structure:

CREATE TABLE `notifications` 
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`creation_date_time` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
`view_date_time` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`notification_text` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`is_viewed` varchar(3) NOT NULL

Step 2 : Server side script which manages notifications

Let us create a .PHP file (notifications_controller.php) which will be used to manage notifications:

     //This script will accept the following three commands as
     // GET parameter and  will act on as follows:
     //INSERT_NOTIFICATION - Insert the notification in the [notifications] table
     //FETCH_NOTIFICATIONS - Get all notifications for a user from [notifications] table
     //DELETE_NOTIFICATIONS - Deletes all notifications for a user from [notifications]
     //SET_IS_VIEWED_FLAG - Call this command from front-end when user has viewed the notification
     $command = "";
     if (isset($_GET['command'])) { $command = $_GET['command']; }
     $user_id = "";
     if (isset($_GET['user_id'])) { $user_id = $_GET['user_id']; }
     if (strcmp($user_id,"") == 0)
        { echo "<br>Error: user_id must be specified as GET parameter."; exit; }
     if (strcmp($command,"") == 0)
        echo "<br>Sorry, no command specified. Exiting...";
     //Open the MySQL database connection here and select the database in
     //which [notifications] table has been created
     $servername = "localhost";
     $username = "root";
     $password = "";
     $dbname = "notifications_db";
     //Create connection
     $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
     //Check connection
    if ($conn->connect_error)
           die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
    if (strcmp($command,"INSERT_NOTIFICATION") == 0)
        $notification_text = "";
        if (isset($_GET['notification_text']))
        { $notification_text = $_GET['notification_text']; }
        $is_viewed = "";
        if (isset($_GET['is_viewed'])) { $is_viewed = $_GET['is_viewed']; }
        if (strcmp($notification_text,"") == 0)
            echo "<br>Error: notification_text must be specified as GET parameter.";
        if (strcmp($is_viewed,"") == 0)
           echo "<br>Error: is_viewed must be specified as GET parameter.";

       //Insert notification into the table for given user
       $sql = "select * from notifications";
       $result = $conn->query($sql);
       $id = mysql_num_rows($result);
       $id = $id + 1;
       $creation_date_time = date("Y:m:d H:i:s");
       $view_date_time = date("Y:m:d H:i:s");
       $is_viewed = 'NO';
       $sql = "INSERT INTO `notifications`(`id`, `creation_date_time`, `view_date_time`,
       `user_id`, `notification_text`, `is_viewed`)
       VALUES ('".$id."','".$creation_date_time."','".$view_date_time."','".
       $result = $conn->query($sql);

if (strcmp($command,"FETCH_NOTIFICATIONS") == 0)
       //Select all notifications for a given user_id and return in JSON format
       $sql = "select * from notifications where use_id = '".$user_id."' and
       is_viewed = ‘NO’ ";
       $res = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
       $result = array();
       while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res))
        echo json_encode(array("result"=>$result_array));
        //Here you can format all notifications into well-organized
        //HTML code just like Facebook in order to present in a nice way
        //For example purpose, it is being returned in JSON format
if (strcmp($command,"DELETE_NOTIFICATIONS") == 0)
          //Delete all notifications for a given user_id
          $sql = "delete from notifications where use_id = '".$user_id."'";
          $res = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
if (strcmp($command,"SET_IS_VIEWED_FLAG") == 0)
     //Update here is_viewed flag to YES for notification and user_id

Step 3 : Front end JavaScript code to display notifications:

In order to display notifications in a front-end HTML page, we can make an Ajax call to our controller (notifications_controller.php) like this:


function show_notifications()
  //user_id = 1 First User's Id
  var show_notifications_url =
       $( document ).ready(function()
                     url: show_notifications_url,
                     cache: false,
                     success: function(html)
                          //Change the content of the DIV in User's
                          profile page where notifications will be displayed
} //function show_notifications

function startTimer()
      //call show_notifications
      //then start interval
      setInterval(show_notifications, 30000); //Refresh after 30 seconds
   } //function startTimer()

<body onload = "startTimer()">
   //Call show_notifications function automatically when
   //HTML page is loaded and set a JavaScript timer to keep it refreshing every 30 seconds
   <div id="notification_results"></div>


Step 4 : Administrative screen to push notifications to logged-in users:

Create a GUI in HTML format which will accept the user’s details and notification details and it will push into the [notifications] table.



function create_notifications()
     //user_id = 1 First User's Id
     //command = INSERT_NOTIFICATION
     var create_notifications_url =
     $( document ).ready(function()
                   url: create_notifications_url,
                   cache: false,
                   success: function(html)

  <input type="button" value="Create Notification" onclick="create_notifications()">


It is an Ajax-based notification system using MySQL and PHP.
The ability to respond instantly is the key factor in acquiring and building a customer base for any business. Following is the list of some of the best ready-made source code and plugins for live notification :

WooCommerce Desktop Push Notifications – WordPress Plugin

Notification | WordPress Notification Bar

WordPress Push Notification, Woocommerce Push Notification, BuddyPress Push Notification

Apex Notification Bar – Responsive Notification Bar Plugin for WordPress

Notification Bar Plugin

Woocommerce SMS/WhatsApp Notifications

Alert and Notification For Elementor

WooCommerce Phone Verification on Checkout & SMS Order Notifications by RingCaptcha